
Continuing Preparation and Study

Narrative and Documentation of Evidence of Continuing Preparation and Study

Criterion 3 narrative: a discussion of my educator continuing education and ongoing preparation and study

Conference and Workshop Attendance

I have participated in a variety of professional conferences, including those offered by Metro State, my national professional association and the statewide provider association. In the past two years, I particularly benefitted from the Boots on the Ground conference, addressing reducing racial disparities in opioid use disorder services in Minnesota, and the Counselor Education Distance Learning conference. Continuing education certificates confirming my attendance are below.

5 conference logos

Continuing Education Certificates

University of Minnesota Graduate Certificate Program

Aware of the ever-greater need for expertise in online education, I applied and was accepted to Graduate Certificate in Online Distance Learning at the University of Minnesota. In fall semester, I took CI 5321, Foundations of Distance Education. This spring, I am enrolled in CI 5325, Designing and Developing Online Distance Learning. Examples of my work follow the acceptance letter.

CI ODL Libby Acceptance letter
Acceptance letter for the Online Learning Certificate Program
Program Planning Guide for Attaining the Graduate Certificate
CI 5321 Assignment: Distance Learning Module

CI 5321 Assignment: Theory Into Practice Podcast (6 mins)

NAADAC Ethics Certificates

As I teach our graduate ethics course, and as the NAADAC code of ethics has recently undergone updates, I completed the training necessary to earn NAADAC’s Ethics in Practice Certificate.



I participate actively in the international and statewide addiction studies educators networks. Below are the agendas from meetings of the Minnesota Coalition for Addiction Studies Education (MNCASE).

Human Subjects Research Board Certificates

The HSRB engages in continuing education activities a few times each year, including those on racial and social justice concerns and inclusion in institutional review.

Review of Literature

I keep up with relevant literature, particularly from: